Staying safe on Tiktok 

We know that a lot of young people that we work with enjoy using Tiktok. But just like any other online space, using the app comes with its own set of risks.

In this blog, we share our top tips to help young people stay safe on the app.

  1. Set your profile to private

Ensure your TikTok profile is set to private. By doing this, you control who can see your content and interact with you. Only approved followers will be able to view your videos, duet with you, or send you messages. To set your profile to private:

Open TikTok and go to your profile page.

Tap the three dots in the top right corner (settings).

Under “Privacy,” enable “Private Account.”

  1. Be cautious with personal information

It’s essential to protect your personal information online. Avoid sharing details like your full name, phone number, home address, school name, or any other sensitive information in your TikTok videos, profile, or comments.

  1. Choose your username wisely

Your TikTok username is your online identity. Choose a username that doesn’t reveal too much about you, such as your real name or birthdate. A creative and fun username can help protect your privacy. Perhaps a codename using your favourite colour and animal e.g. PinkHorse.

  1. Use a strong passwords

Create a strong, unique password for your TikTok account to prevent unauthorised access. A strong password typically includes a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information like “password123.”

  1. Mind your content:

When creating TikTok content, remember that it’s accessible to a wide audience. Be mindful of what you share. Avoid engaging in harmful or inappropriate activities or trends.

  1. Report and block:

TikTok provides tools to help you manage your online experience. If you encounter bullying, harassment, or inappropriate content, use the report and block features to protect yourself and others. Reporting helps TikTok take necessary actions against abusive users.

  1. Verify new friends

Before accepting friend requests or followers, take a moment to check the profiles of those who want to connect with you. Ensure their accounts look legitimate and don’t hesitate to decline requests from strangers.

  1. Stay informed

TikTok’s safety policies and guidelines may change over time. It’s crucial to stay informed about the platform’s rules and updates. Visit the TikTok Safety Center or follow their social media channels for the latest information.

  1. Don’t reveal your location

TikTok allows users to add their location to videos. Avoid sharing your precise location, especially if it’s your home address. Always think twice before revealing your whereabouts, especially if you’re at that location e.g. a cafe or park.

  1. Talk to a trusted adult

If something on TikTok makes you uncomfortable or if you’re unsure about a situation, don’t hesitate to talk to a trusted adult. They can provide guidance and support.

Remember, online safety is a shared responsibility, so be kind and respectful to others while enjoying your time on TikTok.

Find more guidance and advice on NSPCC.